Friday 20 November 2009

What we done in today's lesson

Today’s lesson we are putting our blog’s on date and writing about what we have done for the past lessons, because for the past lesson we did not get time to do our blogs because we were busy with the costumes.

Friday 13 November 2009

What i have done in today's lesson

Today’s lesson I have told miss what I need for the costume I am going to make also I written it down on word and saved it in my documents. Also I have finished my PowerPoint about what I am exactly doing make-up & costume and set & design and, I have put the PowerPoint on blogger as well

Thursday 12 November 2009

In today’s lesson we went to the hall with the other class and we have preparing our performance, for example I have been sketching the dress I am going to make for Alifaa also me and my group have been thinking about what we are going to do and we have been looking at different costumes and see what we can do better with them, also I we have tried some costumes on to see how they look. Further on we have thought about they set & design, we have thought about what we want to have as background for the fashion show and also what we want to put on stage for the show, as long as we know is that we want to put a red carpet on the floor were the models can walk on and also we want in big letter NEW YORK at the background.

On yesterday’s lesson, I have done a PowerPoint on what I am exactly going to do on our performance. I am going to do make-up & costume and also set & design, I am doing Alifaa’s make-up & hair also I am doing her costumee.

Friday 6 November 2009

What i have done in today's lesson

In today’s lesson we have done some more work on our performance we have done research on costumes from the year 1920’s till present time, I have also made a sketch of the dress that I am going to make and use in the performance, also I have written down what we are going to do and use in the performance.

Thursday 5 November 2009

What i have done in today's lesson

In today’s lesson we have discussed the performance what we are exactly going to do, also we went to the hall and talked about how to design the stage and also made some sketches about the stage and the costumes we want to make.

What i have done in yesterday's lesson

In yesterday's lesson I have been talking about the performance with my group, also we have been on the computers to get some ideas about costumes, make up and set design, also we have done different types of research on different web sites.