Wednesday 20 January 2010

Fair Trade Campaign

This advert is about Fair Trade campaign. In the advert they have used different types of effects for example they have used lights, also they have used music and different types of colours and they used words about the fair trade what the benefits are and what does fair trade does the symbol everything is included in the advert.

Friday 15 January 2010

Unit 5 campaign

THINK cell phone driving advert

This advert is too warn people who be on the phone while they are driving, the message of the advert is that you either kill someone by causing a accident which can be your own girlfriend or probable your brother, that is why they are telling people to switch there cell phone off when they are driving. This advert is presented on the Internet and has not been on TV. This advert is useful because it can make people start thinking about what damage they can cause if they use a phone while they are driving. People who will see this advert will get shocked by thinking about the causes a accident can cause. The organisation THINK is a well known organisation because it’s a police campaign.

Unit 5 Campaign

This a NSPCC child's voice Advert

This campaign is about young children who are scared to tell what the problem with them is they are afraid because of adults who are probably abusing them in certain ways. For example the little girl which is hiding under the bed because her mother is angry and is after her, she cant tell anyone about her mother an is scared, what they are trying to say with this advert is that other people should help the children by giving them £2 pound a month so the NSPCC can be there for the children when ever they need them also they have given us a number which we can call if we have got anything to say or if we want to donate money. This advert can be represented on TV and different types of Websites. The NSPCC is a organisation which is against child abuse.

The reason why we can tell that this advert is from the NSPCC is because they have the green full stop as a symbol. This organisation is well known because they make a lot off adverts for different type's as issues.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Unit 5 Campaign

LO 5.1 Understand the nature and purpose of a campaign

A campaign is to promote a message to an audience, sometimes there are issues E.g. Child abuse, Drink driving, global warming and improving the environment. The campaign's use different types of media E.g. Magazines, TV adverts, the radio, Websites, podcast etc.

NHS smoking campaign

This advert shows that people should stop smoking for there children, because as you can see is that children copy there parents in everything they do which means that they also will copy there parents while they are smoking. The NHS rely on The fact that people are aware of the dangerous of smoking and that it can cause lung cancer and parents don't want there children to lead to lung cancer. This advert is a TV advert and can be shown on TV and websites like I think this advert is useful and it shows that children really do copy there parents in everything what they do this should warn the parents that they should not smoke in front of children or stop smoking at all. Also there is a line at the end of the clip which say’s don’t keep smoking in the family which can make people thinking about there children’s future, also there is a phone number for people who smoke and want to quit smoking can call and get help with stop smoking.

This is the NHS website.

NHS swine flu Advert

This advert say’s that germs can be spread around really easily that is why you should be careful when you sneeze you should use a tissue and wash your hand straight after, if you don’t do this then there is chance that the germs will be spread around and other people can get ill. The lines they have used are, catch it, kill it and bin it. In the advert they have used a lift to make the video this advert can be a TV advert and also can be represented on websites. The audience will be targeted by this advert because it clearly shows how the germs are being spread that is why people will be more careful when they are outside in public places. Swine flu was an issue which start it end 2008 and that is when this advert was produced still today swine flu is an issue in the world that is why this advert is very useful for the people. The advert was produced by the NHS 2 years ago.